Mud, Sweat and Tears! Team BPX takes on Summer Wolf Run

As the sun cast its warm glow over the picturesque Stanford Hall estate in Leicestershire, 14 fearless members of Team BPX geared up for a challenge that would drag them through the mud (literally!) – the Summer Wolf Run 2023.

This 10k adventure through wild springs, dense woodland, and epic mud baths was not for the faint hearted, but Team BPX, donned in their bright white vests, embraced the challenge with unyielding spirit.

Wolfrun slideThe course, comprising x30 man-made obstacles, tested not only their physical endurance but also their mental resilience. From crawling through sodden underground passages to hoisting over vertical walls, clinging onto never-ending monkey bars, and wading through the murkiest of mud baths, the runners faced a barrage of challenges. The highlight, a headfirst descent down the water slide, offered a brief reprieve to what was a thrilling, if not entirely clean, adventure.

Wolfrun BPX brothers in armsIn the true spirit of BPX, there were no ‘lone wolves’ on this journey. The pack stuck together, demonstrating the vital importance of teamwork in overcoming every obstacle in their path. Each member played a crucial role in the success of the team, navigating the treacherous course with determination and camaraderie.

However, it wasn’t just for the ‘fun of the run’. Team BPX united for a noble cause, raising funds for The Electrical Industries Charity (EIC), an organisation dedicated to providing practical and financial support within the industry. The day was a testament to our commitment not only to our team members but also to making a positive impact within our community.

A well deserved beerThanks to the support of friends, family, and well-wishers, Team BPX surpassed all expectations, raising over £1,000 for the EIC. This achievement, coupled with the well-deserved cold showers and even colder beverages that followed, left the team members feeling not only immensely proud but also human again!

A special shout-out goes to the members of the BPX Wolf Pack who tackled the challenges head-on: Gemma Goodwin, Nick Barker, Lewis Guy, Ryan Richards, Scott Maloney, Liban Mohamud, Jacob Roe, Lisa McKinven, Ben Clarke, Conall Warner, Tom Collins, Ed Collins, Adi Baird, and Ed Partis. Their commitment, resilience, and sense of camaraderie embody the core values of the BPX Group.

Our charity efforts for the EIC are still ongoing and if you’re feeling generous enough to donate please follow the link:

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