Published on 28 March, Amendment 2 (2022) of the IET Wiring Regulations came into effect immediately. It contains both changes and new requirements. One of the key updates is to Chapter 44 – Protection…
BPX Industry News & Insights
2021 UK Robot Market Report highlights need for Investment
A new report, from the International Federation of Robotics, on the industrial robot market provides information for UK manufacturers to consider about their competitors. Moreover, the report from the International Federation of Robotics compares…
Sustainability: Doing nothing is no longer enough
Supply shortages across the world on the back of COVID-19, combined with a surging economic recovery in some regions, have resulted in extreme volatility in power and commodity markets. These, along with major shifts…
Businesses given more time to adopt UKCA marking
Following pressure from industry, the UK Government extended the deadline for moving to UKCA marking by one year to 2023. The UKCA (UK Conformity Assessed) mark replaces product safety labelling (CE) used in the…
Biomass Automation Doubles Returns for Roana Farm
Maximising the use of agricultural by-products reduces waste and improves sustainability. Other advantages include reducing a businesses environmental impact and maximising an important profit opportunity. Thus, farm Roana invested in a biomass automation plant…
Important lessons you can learn from Post-Pandemic Manufacturing
The pandemic has shown that businesses like online retailers who have already embraced sophisticated automation technologies have coped well with the sudden changes presented by Covid-19. By the same token, office automation allowed many…
How Manufacturers can Reduce the Risks of Ransomware Attacks
Why rob a bank for a few thousand pounds when you can extort millions through ransomware cyber-attacks on SMEs? The risks are minimal, payment comes in safe cryptocurrencies, and you do not even need…
Digital Manufacturing Website offers Practical Investment Decisions
Although the benefits of Industry 4.0 and IIoT indicate the way ahead in manufacturing, getting it is not straightforward. According to Mitsubishi Electric, most companies understand the importance of digital manufacturing, but they have…
Will Blue Ocean Thinking Open Up New Automotive Segments?
The European Automotive industry is in a state of tumultuous change. It must adopt innovative strategies and technologies to boost both efficiency and sustainability. A key driver in the sustainability battle is that of…
How can we Navigate the New Covid-19 Manufacturing Norm?
Hajime Sugiyama
Social distancing for protecting your employees, restarting operations and machines, catching up on supply chain gaps-does that sound familiar? Like society in general, manufacturers are experiencing many new…
How does Asset Performance Management Improve Productivity?
Repair or replace decisions are a constant challenge for manufacturers, and asset performance management plays a crucial part in this. Repairs are often cheaper and faster, especially when there are also compatibility issues with…
New motor and VSD energy efficiency regulations from the 1st July 2021
The European energy efficiency regulations aim at improving energy efficiency and product lifecycle performance. Hence, from the 1st of July 2021, a new Ecodesign Directive EU 2019/1781 comes into forceĀ