Adopting the right technology provides greater transparency, higher productivity and better process management. Users are more able to move forward and adapt to the new manufacturing landscape. The secret is to pinpoint the technologies…
BPX Industry News & Insights
Production Robots: The UK Ranks 22nd & Falling for Use
Research by the International Federation of Robotics (IFR) into the world robotics market raises interesting questions about their use in the UK. In the table of production robots, density per 10,000 workers by country,…
UKCA Marking: Do you know enough about the new standard?
For better or worse the UK leaves the EU on 31st December 2020 at the end of the transition period. This will have a significant impact on electrical standards, certification, CE marking, and UKCA…
Hacking Attacks on UK Manufacturers Increasing
Hardly a week goes by without a well-known company admitting to a data security breach. Besides an increase in number, the style of hacking attacks is also changing, putting many manufacturers in the hackers’…
Capex-Free Funding Alternatives for Energy Saving Projects
Energy and sustainability projects are gaining momentum amongst corporate leaders, but managers still need a solid rationale to get financial approval. In this article, we tackle this matter and explain, with the help of…
IoT Gaining Momentum in 2020: Schneider Electric Survey Says
The 2020 Schneider Electric IoT survey of 3000 business leaders in 12 countries shows 70% see IoT gaining momentum and making good business sense. Altogether, it offers new ways of improving productivity…
Energy Business Case: What will it take to get yours approved?
Research by Schneider Electric shows energy and sustainability project funding relies more on the energy business case than capital availability. The question is, which of the many investment priorities…
Manufacturing Data: How to harness it quickly
Industry 4.0 promises to bring manufacturing to the next level by creating ever more efficient processes. But none of this can happen without a network system that ensures timely delivery of manufacturing data to…
The Revolution of Mainstream Additive Manufacturing
You can argue that there are many life changing technologies and electronics must be one of these: another is additive manufacturing (3D printing). Whatever you think you know about additive manufacturing, you probably have…
Smart Visualisation offers Manufacturing Transformation
As industry adopts smarter machines, the role of the operator will also change supported through smart visualisation tools. In this article, we take a look at how smart visualisation offers manufacturing transformation.
Change will also…
Growth of Digital Twins in Manufacturing Automation
Digital twinning is an interesting technology gaining momentum in applications across a wide range of industries and organisations. It enables planners to improve plant and equipment utilisation with the aid of digital models (twins)…
Securing IIoT Deployments is Critical
Connectivity is at the heart of Industry 4.0 and IIoT implementations, and securing IIoT deployments from cyber-attacks is critical to this. A successful cyber-attack on an IIoT system can result in the loss of…