According to Omron’s Tim Foreman, interest in AI is changing. Customers no longer ask whether they can help them with AI. Instead, they ask whether we can help with…
BPX Textiles News & Insights
Driving Motors to Better Efficiency
Selecting the correct inverter or variable speed drive (VSD) for a motor application delivers both financial and environmental benefits. The latest generations of VSDs provide additional savings and performance advantages when driving motors.
Wayne Turtill,…
How the Affinity Laws deliver Energy Saving for Businesses
With the recent increases in energy prices, it is time to look again at cost effective ways to save electricity. The affinity laws point the way, and it is not an exaggeration to say…
Surge Protection for Amendment 2 of the 18th Edition
Published on 28 March, Amendment 2 (2022) of the IET Wiring Regulations came into effect immediately. It contains both changes and new requirements. One of the key updates is to Chapter 44 – Protection…
Getting Closer To Robots Improves Safety & Productivity
Over recent years, robots have simplified social distancing and allowed manufacturers to protect human operators whilst maintaining high production throughput. However, getting closer to robots can…
Radar Sensors: Why are we seeing more in Automation?
Most of us are familiar with passive infrared (PIR) detectors for sensing movement. Popular uses include security applications and controlling lighting in commercial premises to conserve energy. But radar sensors [also known as microwave,…