‘Intelligent control systems’ in industrial control and automation refers to systems that use advanced technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), to enhance the performance, efficiency, and adaptability of industrial processes.
Improved Safety News & Insights
Surge Protection for Amendment 2 of the 18th Edition
Published on 28 March, Amendment 2 (2022) of the IET Wiring Regulations came into effect immediately. It contains both changes and new requirements. One of the key updates is to Chapter 44 – Protection…
Production Robots: The UK Ranks 22nd & Falling for Use
Research by the International Federation of Robotics (IFR) into the world robotics market raises interesting questions about their use in the UK. In the table of production robots, density per 10,000 workers by country,…
Manufacturing Automation: Key to Improved Efficiency & Performance
When thinking about advanced factory automation the first places that come to mind are invariably car plants. Images are of robot assembly lines, relatively few people and widespread use of AGVs. However, achieving this…