The automotive industry leads the world in the use of factory automation and is an early adopter of innovative technologies. None more so than the use of digital transformation for Industry 4.0, data workflows…
Cyber Security Articles
Ransomware and what your board may ask you
A blog on the UK’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) website poses the question. “Ransomware: What board members should know and what they should be asking their technical experts”. Knowing the likely…
How Manufacturers can Reduce the Risks of Ransomware Attacks
Why rob a bank for a few thousand pounds when you can extort millions through ransomware cyber-attacks on SMEs? The risks are minimal, payment comes in safe cryptocurrencies, and you do not even need…
Industrial Cyber Security & Addressing it in Manufacturing
In an earlier blog entitled ‘Hacking attacks on UK manufacturers increasing’, we considered why hackers were switching from stealing data to ransomware, begging the question of where organisations should start ensuring industrial cyber…
Advantech/Secomea secure remote access collaboration
Manufacturers Advantech and Secomea are collaborating to meet the remote communication security challenges arising from the growth of Industry 4.0/IIoT. As a result,…
Hacking attacks on UK manufacturers increasing.
Hardly a week goes by without a well-known company admitting to a data security breach. Besides an increase in number, the style of hacking attacks is also changing, putting many manufacturers in the…
M262 controller bolsters IIoT for performance machines
Flagship factories aside, most manufacturers are likely to take a phased approach to in introduce IIoT or Industry 4.0. The M262 controller from Schneider Electric was introduced for making the transition to smart automation…
Packaged Plant Rooms deliver Big Benefits in Small Spaces
Architects and designers build many beautiful buildings, but plant room space is often not high on their list of key features. This presents unique challenges for plant room providers as they try to integrate…
Edge Data brings Flexible Control to Manufacturers
The evolution of manufacturing to the smart factory, means factories filled with sensors collecting data for optimising performance. These cyber-physical systems mean that rather than relying on a single machine, businesses now have networks…
Securing IIoT Deployments is Critical
Connectivity is at the heart of Industry 4.0 and IIoT implementations, and securing IIoT deployments from cyber-attacks is critical to this. A successful cyber-attack on an IIoT system can result in the loss of…
Addressing Edge Data Centre Cybersecurity
For Schneider Electric, connectivity is central to the adoption of its EcoStruxure IT platform, whose integrity results from continuous dynamic vulnerability scanning. In a recent blog, they consider the importance of edge…
ABB Cybersecurity Guide for Inverter Drives
ABB has published an informative cybersecurity guide for understanding cyber challenges for protecting VSDs systems against unauthorised access or cyberattacks. The aim is to introduce ABB Drives cybersecurity policies and to help…