The automotive industry leads the world in the use of factory automation and is an early adopter of innovative technologies. None more so than the use of digital transformation for Industry 4.0, data workflows…
Reduced Downtime News & Insights
Data Centres: More than just Servers
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the digital revolution, reshaping everything from business meetings to factory operations. This rapid shift, coupled with the advent of 5G communication, has increased the demand for cloud-based and online…
Remote Condition Monitoring Minimises Plant Power Outages
Manufacturers and commercial organisations rely on the availability of their electrical distribution systems to keep operating. Failures are infrequent and difficult to foresee, but when they do happen, the fiscal impact is significant.
Analytics Software Achieves Unprecedented Productivity
IIoT benefits like faster time to market, optimising workforce knowledge, increasing productivity, lowering downtime and analytics software have taken time to become practical solutions that benefit OEMs. According to Schneider Electric, EcoStruxure Machine…
Digital Services Offered by OEMs: EcoStruxure Machine Adviser Helps
For machine builders and OEM’s planning to offer digital services to their customers, Schneider Electric’s EcoStruxure Machine Advisor platform could hold the answer. EcoStruxure can help track, monitor and…
Thermal Management for Control Cabinets solved with ClimaSys
Thermal management is the monitoring and control of temperature produced by devices in electrical enclosures. In this article, we take a look at how Schneider Electric’s ClimaSys…
Smart Visualisation offers Manufacturing Transformation
As industry adopts smarter machines, the role of the operator will also change supported through smart visualisation tools. In this article, we take a look at how smart visualisation offers manufacturing transformation.
Change will also…
EcoStruxure Augmented Operator Advisor leverages the Power of AR
Schneider Electric’s EcoStruxure Augmented Operator Advisor uses software technology called Augmented Reality (AR) to optimise the operation and maintenance of industrial installations. Importantly, it gives operators the ability to superimpose real-time data and virtual…
Data as a Currency: Expect New Business Models to Grow
For many years business models in automation have been very similar. However, their foundation is based on assumptions that IIot will probably make invalid. Schneider Electric sees that with the digitisation of plants…
Secomea Secure Remote Access: Cross-Sector & Industry Leading
Be it new build machines for manufacturing or for public utilities, unquestionably, remote access is essential. Secomea is leading supplier of secure remote access solutions. Moreover, they work across almost every sector…